Treatment Fees
All treatment prices are inclusive of initial consultation and assessment, counselling and follow-up appointment two weeks after the treatment.
Our prices are discounted to suit every budget. We would like to ensure that every person has access to medical treatments at affordable prices.

Minor Surgical Procedures
LipomaGBP 290
Sebaceous Cyst(1)GBP 290
Sebaceous cyst (2-3)GBP 350
Sebaceous cyst (>3)GBP 400
Skin Lesion (wart, hamangioma, skin tags, blemishes)GBP 250
Toe Nail Avulsion – one sideGBP 250
Toe Nail Wedge Excision – one sideGBP 260
Toe Nail Zadek’s Procedure – one sideGBP 400
Toe Nail Avulsion – both sideGBP 240
Toe Nail Wedge Excision – both sideGBP 290