Ear Lobe Repair Surgery
Earlobe repair is a quick and effective reconstructive plastic surgery procedure. This is carried out to restore the appearance of earlobes that have been torn (split earlobe) or stretched due to ear tearing, trauma, or piercing (tribal ear piercing). A split earlobe generally occurs for those that wear heavy earrings all the time.
Earlobe repair surgery is usually performed for cosmetic reasons. It is a relatively simple and a straightforward day case procedure that can be performed under local anaesthetic. The patients are able to go home after a few hours and can normally return to work immediately. The skin is sutured using a dissolvable stitch that does not require removal. Occasionally skin glue is used to close small wounds after surgery.
The wound is checked after a few weeks following the surgery. No further follow-up normally required if the healing is satisfactory.
After earlobe repair surgery there will be small scars on the ears which will ultimately fade to a pale silvery colour. The earlobe should look almost completely normal with no obvious signs of the previous piercing after 4-6 months of surgical repair. Ears can be re-pierced 6 months post procedure.