Neckline Bands Botox Cardiff, Glasgow, London
It is said that you can tell a person’s age by the skin on their hands and neck. Often people have necklines which are referred to as Turkey neck, as a result of the contraction of the Platysma muscle. The lines can appear both horizontal and vertical, and jowls start to appear with the appearance of the jawline not being as defined as in our youth. The vertical neck bands are formed due to contraction of Platysma muscle. Horizontal necklines are static lines and are also called necklace lines.
Botulinum toxin injections have revolutionised cosmetic surgery, this gives a more natural youthful appearance, softening the lines and creating a soft lift on some of the pull on the lower face.
The procedure is relatively painless and effects are usually noticeable within 7-10 days. The whole procedure is usually carried out within less than 30 minutes.
The effect of treatment lasts for 3 – 5 months. A repeat treatment will be required when the function of the muscle responsible for this begin to contract, prior to bands returning to their pre-treatment expression.
You will have a consultation with our specialist aesthetic doctor and discuss your desired outcome. Following this, he/she will decide precisely where the injections will be inserted to create the best results.